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Bridge Junior School

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Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) June 2023

In June 2023, the children in year 4 are expected to take an online multiplication tables check which tests the recall of both multiplication and division facts within 6 seconds. Therefore it is important that children are able to recall multiplication and division facts up to 12 x by the time they enter Upper Key Stage 2.

The National Curriculum specifies that pupils should be taught to recall the multiplication tables up to and including 12 × 12 by the end of year 4.

We are trying different ways in school to practise times tables but in order for the children to be able to recall them rapidly they need to be practising them at home too.

Here are some useful websites/free games to practise times tables

Times Tables Rockstars

BBC Supermovers

Top Marks - Hit the button


At Bridge Junior School, we aim to provide an exciting and challenging maths curriculum that engages all children. Children should have excellent knowledge in mathematics including the technical vocabulary they need to understand mathematical concepts and apply these concepts in a range of independent approaches to solve problems within mathematics and therefore aim for a mastery approach.

We would like all children to enjoy mathematics and find the curriculum ambitious to meet their needs. We aim for a ‘can-do’, growth mindset within mathematics ensuring that children ‘have a go’ and discuss with teachers and peers the work undertaken with real engagement, creativity and enthusiasm.

Our principal aim is to develop children’s knowledge, skills, curiosity and understanding in mathematics. We aim to build on children’s vocabulary and oracy within mathematics to help them understand key concepts. We support children with models, scaffolds, images which are threaded through our long-term planning and prevalent throughout the classroom environment.

Key questioning to assess children’s understanding and build confidence in maths is crucial to us at Bridge therefore aiming for accuracy, fluency and independence.


How do we teach Maths?

Within mathematics we aim to deliver a consistent approach through our long-term planning, resourcing and teaching methods.

The school uses a framework that allows teachers to develop mathematical knowledge and skills to help children develop a love of maths and help every child master mathematical concepts. The framework is complimented with rich mathematical resources (from e.g. White Rose, NCETM, NRICH etc) which allow the children to develop their thinking, oracy, reasoning and explaining skills in Maths.

There are 3 key principles:

1. Understanding- children need a robust understanding and secure foundation in maths to develop:

  • conceptual understanding
  • numerical fluency
  • problem-solving skills and
  • mathematical confidence

2. Progression - to ensure every child can move on, our curriculum is built on detailed planning so that children are ready to progress to the next stage in learning.

3. Control - the teachers are the experts when it comes to knowing their class. Our curriculum allows them flexibility to move on or recap on different mathematical learning areas, depending on the needs of the children.

We adapt our scheme to incorporate additional resources such as the NCETM ‘Ready to Progress’ materials to ensure that children have secured prior learning and misconceptions are addresses.  



We teach mathematics that supports children to reach their full potential from their starting points and provides challenge to enable children to deepen their understanding of mathematical processes and principles. We recognise that mathematics is an interconnected subject and look for links to develop children’s mathematical learning and ability in relevant ways throughout the curriculum which they can use once they leave Bridge and in their future lives.  


Times table Rockstars

We  use ‘Times Table Rockstars’ to build fluency in times tables and build engagement in this area of maths.

Here is a guide for parents to Times Tables Rock Stars. We hope your child will enjoy learning their times tables. If they already know multiplication facts up to 12 x 12, your child could try to improve their speed.



Maths and Black History

Useful maths websites 

TT Rock Stars

Every child has a log in for TT Rockstars to help them learn multiplication facts and related division facts. With lots of practice you can be a Times Table Rockstar!


Pupil World

You can access Pupil World by logging on to the website below using your individual user name. The password is bridge and the school code is kkcp. 


In all classes, Abacus activities will be set to support learning. They are there for children to enjoy and are not compulsory. 


Maths Frame

Maths Frame is a website with some free maths games to help you learn your multiplication facts in a fun way.  


Sum Dog

Every child has a login to access


Wild Maths

Have a go at some fun activities that will help you explore, imagine, experiment and create!



Skoolbo is a great new site to help with reading and maths. For more information visit:


Maths Champs

There are 30 free games available on this website!
