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Bridge Junior School

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Parents' Evening

    Tue 17 Nov 2015

    Parents' Evenings will take place on the week beginning Monday 23rd November 2015.

    Your child has been given a letter. Please send back the reply slip as soon as possible so your child's teacher can provide you with a suitable appointment time.

    Thank you.

  • Year 5 Wakerley Trail

    Mon 16 Nov 2015

    Year 5 are currently learning about a Victorian Architect called Arthur Wakerley. He designed many of the houses, factories and other buildings in our local area. The Year 5 classes will be going on a walking tour to look at some of the buildings he designed.

    The walks will take place from 10.00am - 12.00pm, Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th November 2015.

    Your child has been given a letter with the date of their walk. Each class will be going in groups of 15 at a time. Parents are welcome to join us.

    Each walk will take approximately 2 hours; suitable shoes and a coat will need to be worn.

    Thank you.
