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Bridge Junior School

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  • Dinner money increase to £2.30

    Fri 06 Dec 2019



    As of 7th January 2020, the cost of a school dinner will increase from £2.00 per day to £2.30. We regret this increase but

    unfortunately it is out of our hands and determined by our catering

    company. The school has subsidising the cost by 30p per day, per dinner since September 2019, however, due to budget constraints, we cannot continue.


    Children can choose to have a hot dinner on any day of the week but it must be paid on a Monday morning and the office must be informed of which day(s).

    Occasionally children do forget to bring their morning so each Tuesday is our final cut off point.


    You can send payment in an envelope with your child's name, year group, class, amount and days that the money is for or alternatively pay in the office.
