Attendance and Admissions
Our school times:
8:15am School gates open
8:30am Just before whistle blown, children line up and go into class.
8:35am Registration open
8:45am Registration close
Breaktime: 10:15-10:30am
Lunchtime: 12:00-1:00pm
3:05pm School Finishes
Help your child to succeed at school
The school will monitor your child’s attendance and lateness every week. If there is a concern, we will contact you to see how we can support and understand why your child is either late or has poor attendance. If this does not improve we may invite you in for a meeting to discuss our concerns with the Headteacher and our Attendance Officer.
Did you know that:
Please note:
- Any absence has to be covered by a letter or phone call on the first day.
- Appropriate evidence must be shown to the school office if your child is ill - even for one day. If you fail to provide this, your child's absence will be marked as unauthorised. The evidence could be one of the following: a prescription, child's medication, doctor's appointment letter or proof of attendance to doctor's surgery.
Any religious festivals inside of school term times will be supported by permitting 1-day authorised absence. Any additional days will be unauthorised.
From 1st September 2013, the law has changed relating to school attendance. The school will NOT authorise any holiday requests for any child UNLESS the Headteacher and Chair of Governors consider that there are exceptional circumstances. School holiday forms will be available in the Office and must be filled out, at the request of our Education Welfare Officer.
The law has also changed regarding Penalty Notices - the period in which they should be paid is shortening. If you wish to take your child on holiday during school time, you will be issued with a penalty notice of £60 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days of receipt. If not paid within 21 days it will then double to £120 per parent, per child if paid within 28 days.
Please be aware that the local authority can issue the penalty if the school obtains evidence that an unauthorised holiday has been taken.
Contact the Local Authority’s admission team
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. If you would
School Admission Service
City Hall
115 Charles Street