What do we teach in History at Bridge?
History Update - Spring term 2022
History at Bridge
In Summer 1 the children in at Bridge have enjoyed learning a range of history topics. In year 4, the pupils have been studying the Romans and have learnt about fearsome warriors, brave Boudicca and gruesome gladiators. The children have been able to make comparisons and learn from objects from the past by taking part in artefact handling sessions. In classes the children were able to sample porridge prepared and cooked in front of them and to write an accurate set of instructions. The students all enjoyed their end of topic Roman day, participating in food tasting, dress up, singing and craft-based activities.
In year 5, the students have been studying the Victorians and have been looking at local studies of the area. The children have had the opportunity to learn what it would have been like living in Victorian Leicester and have explored famous artists from the era such as William Morris. The children have engaged in role play and dress up and have had so much fun taking part in Victorian photo shoots.
The children in year 6 have also been learning about the Mayans after their exploration of the geography topic of Viva Mexico. They have learnt about the ancient civilization and have created some impressive PowerPoints to show and share their knowledge.
We have had a busy, fun and interesting term learning more about the past.
Celebrating History across the school
History at Bridge - Autumn 2021
History at Bridge 2021-22
Year 5 Victorian topic - the children dressed up and posed for some serious portraits. Photos have been edited with a sepia effect to make it look like it was taken in the Victorian age (June 2021)
Year 6 presentation - they have been learning about the Mayans after their exploration of the geography topic of Viva Mexico (June 2021)
Year 4 Roman Day (May 2021)
Celebrating Black History Month 2020
VE Day Virtual Celebration
Celebrating and Learning about VE Day at Bridge
Click on the document below and have a look at the PowerPoint Mrs Briggs has created. There are plenty of learning ideas and creative activity suggestions.
Make sure you share your work, celebrations and photographs with your teachers on Seesaw.
Historic England VE Day Activities
Click on the links below and have a go at the activities to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day on 8th May 2020.
Picture News VE Day Resource
English Heritage
We have worked closely with English Heritage over the past three years in a number of exciting projects.
Our association began through our regular use of Leicester New Walk Museum and gaining a two year grant from English Heritage to promote a greater understanding of historical development.
Each event has involved children and parents including:
- A visit to Coventry Cathedral and the RAF Museum at Brize Norton (linked with the Michael Morpurgo book “Elephant in the Garden”.)
- Developing the Richard III exhibition and explaining DNA at Leicester University.
- In-school workshops on the Holocaust.
- Visits to Burrough on the Hill Iron Age Fort.
- Staff workshops on archaeology and Stone Age Britain.