Relationships and Health Education
What do we teach in RHE at Bridge?
What is RHE at Bridge?
Relationships & Health Education is based on the statutory RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) that the government has introduced in all schools from September 2020. There is a legal requirement to teach this as part of our curriculum.
Our Intent
In keeping with our school’s S.H.I.N.E values, all the children of Bridge Junior School will have access to a high-quality, inclusive and age-appropriate RHE curriculum through challenging and carefully planned learning opportunities.
Our school’s overarching aims for our pupils are:
- to foster pupil wellbeing and develop resilience and character that we know are fundamental to pupils being happy, successful and productive members of society.
- to know how to be safe, including online
- to be healthy both mentally and physically
- to be able to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way
- to demonstrate personal attributes including kindness, integrity, generosity, honesty, respect and tolerance in order to contribute to adult life in British Society
Teaching staff at Bridge will take a consistent approach to teaching and learning that is underpinned by theory and research, and includes high quality, up-to-date and accessible learning materials. We will ensure RHE is inclusive and meets the needs of all our pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This will be achieved by ensuring content and teaching is differentiated to meet the specific needs of pupils at different developmental stages. As with all teaching for these subjects, we will ensure that their teaching is sensitive, age-appropriate, and developmentally appropriate and delivered with reference to the law.
We will ensure that the needs of all pupils are appropriately met, and that all pupils understand the importance of equality and respect. As a school we will ensure we comply with the relevant provisions of the Equality Act 2010, recognising under which sexual orientation and gender reassignment are amongst the protected characteristics. We ensure RHE fosters gender equality and LGBT+ equality by ensuring content is age appropriate and developmentally appropriate. It will be taught sensitively and inclusively, with respect to the backgrounds and beliefs of pupils and parents while always with the aim of providing pupils with the knowledge they need of the law. Content will be integrated into programmes of study for RHE within our PSHE curriculum and will not be taught as stand-alone units.
Learning opportunities will be relevant to all pupils and will be tailored to children’s interests, knowledge and prior experiences: making them memorable, meaningful and relevant. Learning shall be explicitly linked to real life situations and children will have the opportunity to extend relationships with peers and members of the wider community. Lessons will involve the teacher having the confidence to pass ownership of learning directly to pupils, where they can embed skills through discussion, practical activities and challenge. Progression will be achieved throughout the school by building on previously taught concepts, knowledge and experience. Learning opportunities will arise from carefully sequenced lessons; trips, visitors and enrichment activities. Teaching staff will have access to a range of high-quality resources, from for example, the PSHE Association; Department for Education; NSPCC and GoGivers. They will be offered annual CPD and sign posted to training opportunities that will develop and extend their skills, knowledge and confidence.
Initially, it is anticipated that there will be an increase in the number of bullying incidents due to the implementation of a more robust and consistent approach to the identification and recording of these. Pupils and staff will have a better understanding of what bullying is and the many forms it can take, through carefully planned lessons.
We then expect to see a reduction in the number of bullying incidents during lunch and play times. Pupils will report higher satisfaction in the way incidents are responded to and will report feeling safer within school report improved pupil behavior around the school and in class. Staff will report greater satisfaction in the way behavior is dealt with across the school.
Through the RHE curriculum, with the development of pupil’s emotional literacy, they will learn to communicate effectively and become skilled at initiating and fostering positive relationships. As pupils become more knowledgeable about their rights, responsibilities and the law, they will develop into confident, critical, independent thinkers who can keep themselves and others safe.
Supporting our parents
This term our children have been learning about the NSPCC campaigns, ‘Speak out, Stay safe’ and ‘Pants’;
The information in these slides was due to be shared with all parents on the 24th March 2020. Instead, we all went into a national lockdown!
What do our pupils think?
Relationships & Health Education at Bridge
Refugee Week 14th- 20th June 2021
Advice for Children's Mental Health
Home Learning