Maths Intervention
Every Child Counts aims to help primary schools to raise achievement in maths. Our school has invested time and money in training staff to deliver several interventions that are proven to work. For more information see
1stClass@Number and 1stClass@Number2
These interventions are delivered by teaching assistants to small groups of children who are working below age related expectations. Over 8,000 children in the UK have taken part in this intervention since 2011, making average Number Age gains of 10 months in one term.
1stClass@Number is for children at about Level 1C in old levels and 1stClass@Number2 is for children at about Level 2C (Year 3 and 4).
Every child involved has a minimum of three 30 minute 1stClass@Number lessons per week for 12 - 15 weeks in a small group, this is in addition to the daily maths lesson. Teaching assistants work from detailed lesson plans, adapting them to the group of children they are working with.
In September 2015 two teaching assistants working with two link teachers embarked on Talk4Number training. The training was delivered by Di Murphy and several other schools joined us for the training.
Although it is classed as a light touch intervention, the importance of understanding and using mathematical language is key to developing mathematical understanding and being able to reason mathematically.
This intervention has been designed for Year 3 and 4 children who have difficulties with using and understanding mathematical language or have issues with talking fluently about their mathematics. It is also suitable for pupils in Key Stage 2 who are in the later stages of learning English as an Additional Language.
This intervention comprises 24 sessions (3 sessions per week for 8 weeks), each lasting for 30 minutes. A trained teaching assistant will work with a group of up to four children. Like 1stClass@Number this intervention is delivered outside the classroom, in addition to to a daily mathematics lesson.
In December an £800 bid from Greater Than The Sum was granted to put towards training two teaching assistants to deliver Success@Arithmetic: Calculation. This training is being delivered by David Morris during the spring term and a link teacher from the school will work with the teaching assistants.
For children who struggle with arithmetic in Year 5 an 6 this intervention can be useful. From research 6000 students in over 1000 schools made Number Age gains of 13.5 months in 3.5 months.