Remote Learning from Home
Over the next few weeks and months, you may need to learn from home because you:
- are in quarantine (that means that you have visited another country and now you have to stay at home for 14 days from the day that you came back) or
- have had a test for COVID-19 which was positive or
- are self-isolating (because a member of your family or someone in your class/school has tested positive for COVID-19)
- have been told to stay at home due to a national lockdown
Remote learning is learning that is away from the classroom.
Remote Learning Provision at Bridge
We have put together some information to help you with learning at home. It can help you to understand our expectations whilst you are learning from home, provide you with information about how to stay physically and mentally well, and give you some useful tips for staying safe online.
If you need some more help, please ask your parents to contact us for you on the school’s telephone number (0116 253 6092)
Learning at home
Even if you cannot attend school, you MUST keep learning, even at home. We have made a work plan for you so that you know how much work we expect you to do, how long you should spend on each task, and how to submit your work at the end of the day to your class teacher. PLEASE READ THE BOOKLET EXPLAINING WHAT YOU WILL BE EXPECTED TO DO WHEN YOU ARE LEARNING FROM HOME;
We understand that there will be more distractions at home than in your classroom, so we don’t expect you to work a full six hours with no break! It is important that you stick to a routine and ensure you are still learning, even during these circumstances.
Whilst you are learning from home, we expect you to:
- Spend at least 40-60 minutes on each task we set you
- Complete ALL tasks in a day
- Tell your parents if you need help with a task
- Send in any work you have completed at the end of each day via Seesaw. Your teacher will make sure that you have your login details if you’ve forgotten them.
Microsoft Teams
Please click on the documents below and read them carefully. During lockdown, it will be assumed that all pupils and parents have read the Pupil Agreement and pupils will follow the rules which will be shared with children by class teachers.