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Bridge Junior School

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Upcoming Trips:


Warning Zone - Year 6

Monday 24th or Tuesday 25th May - Year 6 will split into two groups. 45 children attending each day. 

Your child will be informed of their day nearer to the time. 

School Trips Subsidy:


"If learning is all that is left after an experience, we must provide more experiences…"

At Bridge Junior School we believe that experiences outside the school and visiting speakers or events within the school help us to provide an enriched broad and balanced curriculum.

We wish for every child to have as many varied learning experiences as possible.

Some of our school trips and enrichment activities are part funded through the government's Pupil Premium Grant. If you think you may be eligible for Free School Meals, then contact the school office who are more than happy to help you complete the necessary paperwork. This could help you get a reduction in the costs of school trips and school meals. 


