8th March School Re-opening to All Pupils
Reminder: School will re-open to ALL pupils on Monday 8th March 2021.
We're changing the staggered start/end times slightly. They will be as follows:
Yr 3/4SK: 8:30-3:00pm
Yr 5/4SR: 8:40-3:10pm
Yr 6/4RB: 8:50-3:20pm.
You can drop your child off at School using either gate. It is important that you arrive at the correct time. Only one parent/carer may collect the child(ren) from each family in order to minimise the amount of people around our gates. You must follow social distancing and please wear a face mask whilst waiting in close proximity to others.
As before, please can we remind you about clothing, PE kits and things children can bring to School:
- Children need to change their clothes daily. Your child should wear their PE kit to School on the day that they have PE.
Children need to only bring essentials:
· coat
· packed lunch box (if not hot dinners)
· own labelled water bottle
· School book bag
We look forward to welcoming all children back.
Please view more 'Back To School' Information on Leicester City Council's webpage here